composer/musician/ZTT artist

 B A R D S L E Y_P O P P Y
p r o j e c t sBARDSLEY_POPPY_projects.html

E X T R A C T O R  E A R  E Y E  E V E N T

At The Extractor Space. Old Tidemill School, Frankham St, Deptford SE8. London

performance 3/10/14 as part of Deptford X and installation 3-5/10/14


Julia Bardsley & Andrew Poppy

Margaret Cameron & Guillermo Rosenthuler

Maria Christina

Marty Langthorne & Fred Defaye

For the ear the eye and your body in the space of the extractor. The total is something like an Opera Installation. There will be some kind of singing. There with be some kind of music. The theme is the journey of the couple. Coupling of the ear and the eye in the experience of being ‘here’ or ‘there’. Where?ever! The event is in a number of parts. Different parts are authored by either Andrew Poppy or Julia Bardsley. The event stages a kind of dialogue about coupling. Parts are such as this: ‘Jaray/Sebald Songs’. Taking artist Tess Jaray and poet G.W.Sebald’s collaboration as a mode of production as well as a text. Singing by Margaret Cameron and Guillermo Rosenthuler. Then a journey that ends in tears. Announced by a moment of re-appropriation: Dylan’s ‘Rainy Day Women’: death by stoning and death by intoxication. This part a sketch towards an opera called

‘Two with a Stone. Or ‘Jason and Medea go Boating’ (Jacques Rivette cult film ‘Celine and Julia go Boating’ is a riff on Alice in Wonderland and this might be a clue to where we might or might not be going). Some orchestral harp,  electronics and bass guitar accompany the mythic couple. The tragic Medea and Jason didn’t literally go boating together but if they did metaphorically what would their experience and dialogue be, as they faced each other: one landscape receding one landscape emerging? And as an audience member either left bank or right bank or on another vessel, which way are you travelling? Up or down river. What is left on the river bank when the tide goes out but:Intimate Souvenirs from Medea's Lab_(i)our'. A third piece or mode of making something in what was once Tide Mill School in Deptford.

Jaray/Sebald Songs

Two with a Stone:

Jason and Medea go boating

'Intimate Souvenirs from Medea's Lab_(i)our'

andrew Poppy & julia bardsley

E  X  T  R  A  C  T  O  R    E  A  R    E  Y  E    E  V  E  N  T





tickets available at the venue from 6pm.